Monday, August 16, 2010

Fourth of July

Matthew and Ethan thought that it would be funny to "get Wrigley" however when it is 105 degrees out, Wrigley doesn't seem to mind. Then again he would love water if it were 30 degrees out. The two things I doubt they were expecting was number one, Uncle Brian to intervene and number two, a big wet dog to shake all over them. hee hee hee

Thursday, July 15, 2010

We really are still alive!!!

I know that it's been 10 MONTHS since we have last posted and boy has alot happened! Life sometimes seems like a whirlwind, so easy to get caught up in. You blink your eyes and several months have passed you by! So far 2010 has been an awesome year bringing us lots of changes that are very welcome.Here is a quick little catch up....

Brian finished Grad school earning his doctorate then took his boards and did very well. He is so happy to be done and I am so happy that he starts working! (He often tells me that jobs are overrated.)

Last month we celebrated six years of marriage! It's hard to believe that we have been together so long. Brian proposed when he was just 18 years old, I guess he knew a good thing when he saw it! Seriously though, I feel so lucky to have a husband that I still adore!

The greatest thing however, that has happened this year would have to be the baby girl that will be joining us in October. I am 7 months pregnant and am counting down the days before Addison gets here. There is alot of change coming our way, but we can't wait!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Where has our puppy gone?

In just 9 short weeks, our little Wrigley has gained 25 pounds, learned to love flowers, and has become obsessed with water. He is doing fantastic in puppy kindergarden and is loved by the entire family.

Back on the Trails

Missing Flagstaff and all of the wonderful hiking we had outside our door, we have been trying to hike both Mt. Lemmon and Madera Canyon to cool off from the summer heat. Impressing us all, Matthew and Ethan have been keeping up even for a 6.5 mile hike, yes Ethan who is 4 years old. (And Wrigley at 13 wks.) Lunchtime, however, is our favorite part!

Getting Away for the Weekend

Having Joy back to work full time and internships off to a running start, we decided to take advantage of the three day weekend we had. So we decided to go camping down at Parker Canyon Lake. The fish we caught weren't trophies to say the least, but the three of us had a great time. Wrigley didn't hesitate when we got to the lake as he took advantage of the first chance he had to jump in.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


While it is hard to believe that 5 years have come and gone, we decided to celebrate it by going to the Bahamas. It was extremely relaxing, which was just what we both needed. The majority of our trip consisted of laying on the beach and of course eatting, but we also did some snorkeling, shopping, and water sports. It was truly beautiful and once again we were happy to be spoiled by a Sandals resort. During the trip we had to laugh as we were often asked if we were honeymooning, no one believed us when we told them we were celebrating 5 years. All in all we had a wonderful anniversary and are looking forward to many more years ahead of us.