Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hitting the Slopes

Part of our Christmas celebration this year included some snowboarding and lots of it. Although it was snowing pretty hard on Christmas day that didn't deture us from enjoying the mountain, which we had to ourselves. Having gone three days straight, we were able to enjoy the different weather that has come our way. Christmas day was intense with the snow falling and the next was beautiful with the sun shining and blue skies above.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Celebrations

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We really enjoyed our holiday season, surrounded by our families and friends. Though we weren't able to spend Christmas day with family, we were able to spread out our celebrations over a week and a half. On Christmas morning, Joy and I had a very white Christmas, with new snow falling througout the day. After we all (Sammy included) opened our presents, Joy and I went up to Snow Bowl for the remainder of the day. It all made for a beautiful Christmas.

Monday, December 22, 2008

First BIG Snow of the Season

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While we did get our first snow of the season several weeks prior, this was our first BIG snow of the season. Over a 4 day span, the storm front dumped over 2 feet onto Flagstaff and up to 52 inches onto the ski resort. As a result, the ski resort opened this past Friday and for good measures (being the gentlemen I am), I'm going to check the conditions today before both Joy and I can go up later this week. Oh, the sacrifaces that I must endure and make.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ready for Christmas

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Call the Fire Department

While she may still look young, the smoke from the candles tell the whole story.

Birthday Dinner

In celebration of Joy turning a quater of a century old, we had more than one celebration. On the eve of this momentous event, we went to Sakura with Sunny and Jacob for an early celebration. Having not had tepanyaki since our honeymoon, it was a great night.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

San Francisco Peaks

On the way home from the Thanksgiving weekend, the mountain was taunting us, being that Snow Bowl Ski Resort isn't open and we are more than ready to be snowboarding again.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas Village

While we were down for the weekend, the girls helped mom put up the Christmas village, which we can now call a small city, with as much as it has gorwn. I snuck into the picture, despite not having done any of the work.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Great Commercial

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hiking in Sedona

On Saturday morning, we decided to head down to Sedona for a hike on Sterling Pass. While the hike was only 7 miles, the 5 miles of climbing switchbacks made it quite a workout, but the view from the top of the saddle was impressive to say the least. After this long morning, we rewarded ourselves with some great mexican food in Sedona (we desired it).

Even though it's November, once we got deeper into the canyon, we were surrounded by changing leaves and beautiful colors.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

First Snow of the Season

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Walnut Canyon

Today, we went for a hike in Walnut Canyon to see ancient cliff dwellings, but to our disappointment part of the trail was closed for repair following a rock slide. What we were able to see was pretty amazing. While the dwellings were nice, not quite our idea of a first home.

Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest

After a blow out last year with my epic Chicago Bear "C" pumpkin, I felt that this year I had to take it to the next level. However, I don't think Joy appreciated the amount of time it took me to carve my pumpkin. Like I told her, the Sistenth Chapel wasn't painted in one night.