Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday Morning Golf

No it's not your typical golf, but disc golf is big up here and with the weather warming up and snow melting off we decided to go out and practice up for spring. My own presonal opinion is that if your playing disc golf in the snow, then it should be considered an extreme sport.

Great Igloo Constuction

We started the task of building an igloo for the boys Saturday afternoon and a few hours later the finished product was quite impressive. We are thinking about renting it out if any one is interested.

After all of that hard work, we finished off the night with some homemade pizza. I must say we are getting pretty good.

Early Birthday Celebration

This past Friday, Joseph, Jim, Becky, and the boys came up and we had an early birthday celebration, which lasted all weekend. We started off on Friday night with some sushi with Sunny and Jacob as well and went back to the house for some awesome cake. It was a pretty deluxe celebration with a magician and all...Jacob pulled out some magic tricks for the boys, but we all got a kick out of them.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Me and My Snowbunny

Down the Slopes

Having no school on Friday and a great snow this past Sunday, we decided to hit up Snowbowl. Following a harsh fist time snowboarding experience for Joy, I decided to take her under my wing (hahaha). However, after only a ten minute lesson she was cruising down the mountain like a champ. I had the oppportunity to go out a few times before with Jacob, so I had a few little tricks to impress Joy with.

After an awesome morning of boarding, Joy was calling for a black diamond run, but the top lift was closed due to the wind. I guess the jumps and 360s will have to wait until next time =). Lets just say it's a great day when you can get off of the chairlift without falling.

Flagstaff Sunrise

Monday, February 4, 2008

Frozen North

Yesterday alone, we got approximately 15 inches and they're calling for an additional 5 today. Here are a few pictures from this morning and to put the one in perspective, I set the snow shovel next to the pile. Needless to say, the snow shovel is broken in.


I can honestly say that I cant remember the last snowday I had as a kid, but today they have canceled all classes, because of the nasty weather we have gotten. NAU has a motto similar to the Post Office, it doesn't matter what the weather is like, classes will be in session. That's some insight on how the weather is...NAU cancelled classes.
As a kid, I remember playing in the snow and playing all day on snowdays...Today will consist of studying, studying, and more studying.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Early Birthday Gift

What can I say, I've been bitten by the snowboarding bug...I haven't quite decided to drop out of school to pursue this passion yet, but for an early birthday present Joy bought me this awesome new snowboard and bindings. It turned out that the new bindings looked better on my other board, so I decided to post pictures of all of the boards.