Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

For the long three day weekend, Jim, Becky, and the boys came up. We all had a great time and with all of our May snowfall having melted off, we were able to get out to the lake from some fishing and later in the evening, fire up the fire pit for smores. Needless to say, after all of that excitement, Joy opted for some time in the hammock and had some company who was loving it too.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Maybe Summer Isn't Here

To our surprise, we had a nice layer of snow when we woke up this morning and because of it, I will retract the statement that summer is here from my last post.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend

Finally, school is out, finals are over, and summer has arrived. The semester went excellant and I have four days to enjoy until my clinical rotations start on Monday. Having a weekend of freedom, Joy and I went down to GV for Mother's Day. We didn't take many pictures while we were down, but here are a couple of our nephews. It had been awhile since we had last been to GV, so it was great to be able to spend some time with the family.