Sunday, July 20, 2008

Havasupai Falls

This past week, we hiked ten miles down into Havasupai Canyon, which is located at the western end of the Grand Canyon. Although the hike is quite grueling with all of your gear in your pack, the trip is well worth it once we were at the bottom and had the opportunity to enjoy the amazing falls. We had a fantastic time enjoying all of the falls and the water that is naturally aqua blue (from the lime deposits on the rocks). To satisfy our need for some high adventure, we climbed up behind Havasu Falls and onto some cliffs for some great dives through the waterfalls. All in all it was one of the best trips we have ever taken and cant wait to do it again.

Hiking Into The Canyon

Mooney Falls

Havasu Falls

At Havasu Falls, we were able to get behind the waterfall and from there climb up to about 15 feet and from there, dive into the waterfall. This picture is actually of Jacob's dive, because I went right after and my picture didn't come out.

Navajo Falls


The view from our tent
The weather was absolutely fantastic and during our last night we went ahead and pulled off the rain fly and sleep under the stars.

Pictures from Jacob and Sunny's Camera

Finally Out of the Canyon

After hiking out of the canyon, a parking lot full of cars having never seemed more attractive. Wanting to get out of the canyon before the sun came up, we cruised through the ten miles and was out of the canyon in four hours. While the hike was challenging, both Joy and I are already planning to go back down next year.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Joy's Haircut

A few weeks ago, Joy chopped off 10 inches of hair and donated it to Locks of Love. I just toke this picture last night, so her hair has grown out some since she initially cut it, but you get a good idea how much shorter it is. I have always loved her hair short and it probably hasn't been this short since the first time she went back to IL with me after graduating high school.