Sunday, October 26, 2008

Lake Powell

On Saturday, we went up to Lake Powell for the day for some fishing and tubing. Tubing was quickly shot down as we felt the water, but fishing was fun. Joy was the winner, with the sole catch of the day, but we had some decent bites, time to relax, and lots of fun.

Sushi Night

The night Melissa got in to Flag, we went for some Sushi with Sunny and Jacob. The food was amazing and what put the meal over the top was that they served our order on the boat. As you can see, the ship went down.

Walk of Shame

After Sushi, we went back to the house and played the Wii. While we gave a valiant effort, Jacob and I came up short and good to our word, we performed cartwheels on the walkway. Lets just say, mine wasn't pretty.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fun in the Leaves

Having our first hard freeze last week, we feel as though we really didn't get a fall season. However, having a warm weekend and Jim, Becky, and the boys up for the weekend, we went up to Lockett Meadow to enjoy the falling leaves. We ended up having a few leaf fights and the boys had a great time rolling down the hill.

Wild Turkeys

We came across these wild turkeys on our way down from Lockett Meadow.

Museum of Northern Arizona

Turtle Hunting

I told Ethan to stop putting rocks into the sewer man hole, because of the ninja turtles living down there. After telling him this, the next 10 minutes were spent calling for Leonardo. Joy thought it was mean, but as you can see, she didn't tell Ethan otherwise.

Go BIG for Parkinsons 5K/2K

This weekend my class put on the 2nd annual Go BIG for Parkinsons Race to raise money for people with Parkinsons disease to get the appropriate therapy. We had fantastic weather, a great turnout, and overall it was a BIG success.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Flagstaff Wildflowers

Despite the popular belief, we weren't washed down the canyon at Havasupai Falls, but rather we took a hiatus from our blog. We enjoyed the remainder of the summer outdoors either hiking or at the lake. Before we knew it, school was back into full swing and the summer was finished (just like the Cubs in the first round of the playoffs, dang curse). The weather has been beautiful and as much as we want to believe that summer isn't over, the snow on the peaks (Oct. 4th) tells us otherwise. We were glad to have enjoyed the summer around Flagstaff and surrounding areas.

Hot Springs Lava Caves

Hiking Northern Arizona

Clear Creek - Winslow, AZ


Lake Powell