Monday, June 29, 2009

Welcome Home Wrigley

Today we picked Wrigley up from the breeder and he has been doing excellant. Joy thinks he may be the best puppy in the entire world, but her opinion may be slightly biased as she has wanted a puppy for so long. However, I have to say that he is doing very well and is busy eatting, sleeping, and playing. He even willingly goes into his crate for naps. We will post more pictures later along with our amazing Bahamas trip pics. It's much easier coming home from a vacation when you have a puppy waitting on you!!!

First Play Date

Even though it was Wrigley's first day, we thought it was a great time to start socializing him. So once we made it back up to Flag, we stopped by Sunny and Jacob's for some play time with their dog Soldier. He did awesome with Soldier and actually engaged in some play, hence the exhaustion that left him snoozing on the tile. He also had welcoming gifts waiting for him at their house. He decided to model his new shirt and is waiting to try out his new freezer toy down in Tucson.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Our New Puppy - Wrigley

Last night we drove to Golden Valley to pick out the newest addition to our family. Picking out of six puppies proved to be no easy task, as we fell in love with all of them. This little guy stood out and was definitely our Wrigley.

House Update - Everything is going great with the new house. This week the painters are completing the interior and we should have tons of pictures posted once we get moved in there in a couple of weeks.