Saturday, September 12, 2009

Where has our puppy gone?

In just 9 short weeks, our little Wrigley has gained 25 pounds, learned to love flowers, and has become obsessed with water. He is doing fantastic in puppy kindergarden and is loved by the entire family.

Back on the Trails

Missing Flagstaff and all of the wonderful hiking we had outside our door, we have been trying to hike both Mt. Lemmon and Madera Canyon to cool off from the summer heat. Impressing us all, Matthew and Ethan have been keeping up even for a 6.5 mile hike, yes Ethan who is 4 years old. (And Wrigley at 13 wks.) Lunchtime, however, is our favorite part!

Getting Away for the Weekend

Having Joy back to work full time and internships off to a running start, we decided to take advantage of the three day weekend we had. So we decided to go camping down at Parker Canyon Lake. The fish we caught weren't trophies to say the least, but the three of us had a great time. Wrigley didn't hesitate when we got to the lake as he took advantage of the first chance he had to jump in.