Thursday, July 15, 2010

We really are still alive!!!

I know that it's been 10 MONTHS since we have last posted and boy has alot happened! Life sometimes seems like a whirlwind, so easy to get caught up in. You blink your eyes and several months have passed you by! So far 2010 has been an awesome year bringing us lots of changes that are very welcome.Here is a quick little catch up....

Brian finished Grad school earning his doctorate then took his boards and did very well. He is so happy to be done and I am so happy that he starts working! (He often tells me that jobs are overrated.)

Last month we celebrated six years of marriage! It's hard to believe that we have been together so long. Brian proposed when he was just 18 years old, I guess he knew a good thing when he saw it! Seriously though, I feel so lucky to have a husband that I still adore!

The greatest thing however, that has happened this year would have to be the baby girl that will be joining us in October. I am 7 months pregnant and am counting down the days before Addison gets here. There is alot of change coming our way, but we can't wait!