Monday, October 1, 2007

Having lived in AZ for 18 years and Joy being here for 12 years, neither of us had experienced the Grand Canyon until now. I guess we were waiting to see it together.


The Hyatt's said...
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The Hyatt's said...

Brian. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. I wish I could touch your cheek right now and give you a 'good game.' I'm digging the music selection too.
On a side note, I got a little excited being the first post on your blog and in my excited state hit 'enter' before finishing what I was writing. Needless to say the unfinished entry got posted. So, I saw that I could delete the post, but when I did, it still showed up as a posted and then deleted entry. Just needed to clarify so that you don't think I posted something explicit and the 'good guys' at blogger erased it. I'll wait 'til your blog is more established to start posting explicit entries.