Monday, June 30, 2008

San Diego Vacation

Our much needed vacation came and went quickly, but we had a blast. We went out to San Diego for the week, during which, we made the most of every moment.

Sea World was amazing...Having never been there I wasn't sure what to expect, but we ended up spending an entire day there. When I say we spent an entire day, I mean, we were there when it opened and left when it closed.

We spent a lot at the beach. There is nothing more relaxing that laying on a beach, with absolutely nothing to do and all you hear is the crashing of the waves.

Finally at the end of the week, Joy and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary and went out for a great dinner. To top the night off, when we got back to the hotel, somewhere in downtown San Diego they were shooting fireworks off, which we could see perfectly from the balcony.