Friday, February 20, 2009

Birthday Celebration #2

To celebrate my birthday, Sunny and Jacob went with Joy and I down to my favorite Mexican food restaurant in Sedona. There food is honestly the greatest thing since sliced bread (no joke!). After dinner, we all came back to the house and Joy had made a a homemade lemon cake with fresh berries for dessert. It was a fantastic birthday and a great night.


The Hyatt's said...

I checked the regulations on the Fish and Game website and I didn't find anything that prohibited taking a turkey with a chinese star. What d' ya say Brian?

andy pav said...

What is the name of the Mexican restaurant in Sedona? We are always looking for good places to eat, and my brother and his wife are going to be in Sedona in Sept. and we were looking for a place to take them to eat.