Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our House...On the Corner of the Street

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After many weeks of searching, Joy and I have found our first home. With a closing date set at June 10th, we are only weeks away from being homeowner's. It's in a great location in Tucson, nestled in a very nice, quiet neighborhood that one neighbor refers to as a "hidden gem." We are very excited for the closing date to roll around so that we may get in and start adding our personal touches. We are planning on having the interior painted and are in the midst of designing a brand new kitchen, which we are thrilled about.


The Hyatt's said...

The pictures are beautiful!!! We are so excited for you guys and can't wait to see it. You are truly living the great American dream getting a house and a puppy. Now you just need a swing set in the back yard and you'll be set! Love the archways, the tile, and the pull down patio screens. Awesome!

andy pav said...

that's awesome you guys, Amber and I are excited for you! We really liked the backyard with the fountain/birdbath, just as long as Brian doesn't try to take any dips in it. Living the life owning a house, sure beats renting an apartment (I've heard)

Sharon said...

Congratulations! When do we get to come over for your house warming party?! Sounds like you'll be busy with home improvement projects from the start - but that's awesome.