Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Celebration (Third and Final)

Joy wearing the vest I had gotten her. The theme this Christmas at our house.....staying warm.
Joy bought me a bipod for my hunting rifle and it wasn't until after we had loaded the pictures onto the computer that we found the humor in this picture...
The way in which I had positioned the gun, it really appears as though I am waiting for Santa to come down the chimney. For any of you that didn't get what you had wanted for Christmas this year, I promise you it isn't because I held up Santa.
I had gotten a creme brulee set from Mom and Dad (during celebration #1) and we decided to try our hand at making it on Christmas day. For our first go around, I thought they looked awesome. The only downfall to the kit that I have found so far is that I have become semi-obsessed with torching every meal that Joy and I eat. If Joy wants some cheese on her potato, I'll pull out the torch and melt it for her. Personally I think that's just thoughtful.

By this time, you are probably thinking to yourself, are they serious, another Christmas celebration? To answer this question, yes this was our third celebration, but this is the third and final.
On Christmas day, Joy and I had our own Christmas and just had an awesome day of doing nothing but hanging out, cooking, more importantly eating, and watching movies. It seems that I have been doing a lot of the third (eating) over the past few weeks but with the pep talk from Peyton Manning (see the post below), no worries because I just bought myself a few bigger shirts.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and are looking forward to the new year.


The Hyatt's said...

It's time to put that bipod to use. I'm excited for elk season. We just need to think positive thoughts that we'll get drawn this year.