Thursday, December 13, 2007

Let It Snow, Let It Snow (Alot)

The bed of my truck is located somewhere under all of that snow The candy canes that we lined along our walkway almost disappeared

It has been some time since Joy and I can remember seeing snow like this. Over the past weekend, we got around 2 feet (yes, that's 24 inches) of snow at our place. Along with the snow, we have had some nice and cool temperatures, but the snow is so beautiful that it makes it all worth it. I personally had several firsts in my life....I bought my first snow shovel, I shoveled my first driveway and then did it four more time just over the weekend, and finished my first semester of grad school. I debated about which event I was most happy about and I have it narrowed between finishing school for the semester and my snow shovel purchase. It's still a toss up...


The Hyatt's said...

I'm right there with you on firsts Brian. Everyone always told me, "You'll hate shoveling snow off your driveway." That first driveway shoveling experience was SO fun. I loved it!