Monday, December 17, 2007

Snow in Southern Arizona

Our nephews were pretty disappointed that they weren't able to come up to Flagstaff and play in our first snow last weekend. The whole concept of a five hour drive doesn't factor into their side of thinking, as they occasionally make threats that they will walk up to our house. To save their little feet from all that walking, we packed the truck up with snow (or atleast topped it off from the storm last weekend) and brought the snow to them. They were alittle surprised to say the least and we all had a good time throwing snow balls in 65 degrees of warmth that Joy and I haven't had for a couple of months.


The Hyatt's said...

That is so cool that you brought the snow to them. I'll bet it was the highlight of their Christmas. Christmas is a magically time of year and their is something equally as magical about snow.