Monday, December 17, 2007

Zukowski Christmas

Being that Joy is new at the hospital up here in Flagstaff, getting time off around the holidays is difficult to say the least. So, this weekend we went down to Green Valley to celebrate Christmas with the family. It was a fantastic, with the exception that Mom and Dad always go overboard with the cooking and now I feel like I don't need to eat until the new year. You can't beat holiday cooking.

I was hoping to post pictures of our "Christmas night," but to be completely honest, we were all laughing so hard in most of the pictures, some of us (I won't say any names) would probably object to their upload on the blog. Nonetheless, everyone is doing great in Green Valley and only complaining about their cold (65 degree) weather occasionally.


Anonymous said...

Have you EVER seen 3 such cute Christmas "angels"?!?! It was a wonderful weekend, but our only complaint is that it went WAY too fast! Love and Miss both of you already!